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Date: Thu, 08 Jan 2009 10:29:42 -0600
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Post by Rhonda Lea Kirk FriesPost by §ñühw¤£fPost by Rhonda Lea Kirk Friesnews:8a433349-178b-479c-80c4-
Post by B***@hotmail.comPEOPLE
Since Dr Postman has been Removed From Usenet Altogether, Usenet
has improved. Stupid Bookman, with his years of confusion over her
sexual identity and 2 sex change operations ended his own
sufferring. It's tragic, but on the positive side there won't be
any more Stupid Bookman posts, continuing to lead to a better
usenet. Happy New Year.
Agreed, Bookman was another of the loser-contingent adding nothing
but pollution to Usenet, but don't forget to also celebrate the
"loss" of Art Deco, who is either not posting anymore or doing so
under a phony and untraceable nym.
Bookman may have taken the same path, for all we know, the more the
shitheads feel the need to hide, the better it is for everyone.
It's bad enough you're a shitheel...but this...how can anyone be so
incredibly stupid and not be in a home for the incompetent?
Regan cut funding for state run mental hospitals during his term.
Said most homeless are that way by "choice".
My grandfather was a staunch and life-long Republican, voting and
service-wise. In that election, he voted for John Anderson. He told me
Reagan scared him.
St.Reagan was as out of touch with reality as Chimpy. Regan wanted
things to stay "clean and wholesome" ala the 1950's. He was an *actor*
not a thinker. So when he heard 'trees cause air pollution' he was down
with that unquestioningly.
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