2008-12-30 01:05:45 UTC
My hat is off to Pirate John...I have spent a few minutes admiring
his work in here and other groups.
Bless your heart, and thank you Lyynne.his work in here and other groups.
You aren't the lady from coastal NC that they were talking about a
few days ago, are you?
I am a little rusty at this posting stuff...
I am from Rhode Island and I have not read up on the NC person..
But I am speak to you and in here about the days when she was posting
as everyone!
And it was a vicious scene at times...lol..
I was incredibly defensive of her ...a friend of my who used to post
as BKLATTY told me about the OJ Newsgroup and he was duped by her as
well. It was actually amusing at first but then it got very
frustrating because no one believed that he and I were NOT Karen
Anderson! But there was also this fake poster called Paige and I
began receiving email from her and all the while it was Anderson!
This went on for months and when it was finally proven that Anderson
was this Paige person...I realized there was zero credibility and she
was just a poor old soul.
And there were some characters in the newsgroup that had real life
experiences with her....
It is amazing how well you have documented the facts....impressive!
You must have reviewed some of the info in the OJ Newsgroup as well.
I have never heard of anything so bizare,,,,
records proving I'd been in a mental institution. How are you coming
with that EVIDENCE?
You should snoop around some more and find what Dick Wagner wrote about
me. You might learn something.
Please provide PROOF that ~paige montoya was actually me or is that
something else you are now claiming knowledge of while not having a
clue. She lived in Edmonds, WA (can you read a MAP?) and was about 25
years younger than me. The BIG secret that nobody else knew is that her
name happened to also be Karen. We knew better than to reveal THAT.
BrianKLATTY caused me to lose my ISP by making "death threats" to Zey
Guy in Ft. Worth. He was so ineffective as an attorney that he was
never able to convince anybody he was NOT me so I got the blame for what
HE did. I wouldn't say he was "duped" by me. More the other way
Please, oh PLEASE get involved with PirateJohn Gilmer. You deserve him
if ever a woman did. I have fought for years to expose him and warn
other women to not become his victim. But that excludes you....go for
it. Knock yourself out hun ....
What a ditz you are.....worse than ever.